Discover The World's Most Powerful Tool For

Awakening a Tremendous Universal Life Force Energy

Used By The World's Top Producers To Manifest Their Dream Lives


Do You Feel Like You're Not Living Life to It's Fullest Potential?

Many people in the world feel this way. It could be a sense of inner peace and contentment with life you long for. The inner battle you are fighting to have good health. A deeper connection with your loved ones.

Or even just a lack of fulfillment, when you realize that the things you thought would bring you joy didn't work out as planned.

And it's not from a lack of trying: you may have tested countless programs, theories and frameworks in order to solve your problems.

After these attempts, maybe you've realized that the traditional methods of manifesting your dream life simply aren't working for you. They don't give you more than temporary highs and reliefs. Nor do they free you from the worries keeping you up at night.

If this describes you in any way, you should read ahead. Because…

You've Found The Missing Link In Manifesting Your Dream Life

The reason that you are unable to manifest the life of your choice is that consciously or unconsciously, every moment, you are weaving the web of your life out of your own cognition.

However, other than your own negative beliefs about yourself, you don’t have any enemies in your life! Just understand this simple concept and start working on the source… your energy field.

When you tune into the right energy, and clear away any negative blocks, you uncover the new you and the life of your dreams full of abundance, happiness, love and success.

Wondering how this is all possible?

The Key Lies In The Sacred Chakra Kriya Kundalini Framework

The efforts of the Chakra Kriya Kundalini Framework is to awaken the tremendous Universal Life Force Energy which lies latent within you.
The Kundalini lies coiled and sleeping at the base of the spine, but when awakened through yogic discipline, it ascends up passing through the chakras until it meets in union with the Divine Energy at the Sahaswrara Chakra (Crown of Head).

From time immemorial, human beings have suspected that they have more energy and more intelligence than they are able to express in their day-to-day lives. It is this belief in a higher potential that is at the root of all creativity.

People who suspected that they have more energy and started expressing it in the physical form became great creators – for example the people who constructed the great pyramids, the huge rock-carved temples of India or the Colosseum in Rome. 

There are some who expressed it as extraordinary intelligence – like Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein. Then there are some who expressed the same energy and intelligence in artistic form – like Mozart, Picasso or Shakespeare. 

This framework is so powerful in delivering life-changing results, that many people across the globe have incorporated it into their daily lives and are achieving magnificent results.

The Chakra Kriya Kundalini Framework is based on the principles of Ancient Yogic Tradition...

These are sacred solutions that provide an opportunity for simultaneous all-round development built upon 10,000 years of R&D by millions of inner world scientists whom we refer to as Yogis today.

But what is the missing link you ask?

Welcome to An Extraordinary Journey For Your Soul — The Awakening of Your Kundalini Shakti

The word Kundalini is a familiar term to everyone who practices Yoga. It is commonly referred to as, "the power," in the form of a coiled serpent, residing in the Muladhara Chakra — the first of the seven chakras. The other six being Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.

The Chakra Kriya Kundalini Framework is a powerful process designed by Swami Dhiren into a 7-Step Meditation to awaken your Kundalini Shakti through the discipline of the physical body, purification of the Nadis and control of the Prana.

Through these combined methods, the inner Kundalini Shakti is made to go upwards towads the Sahasrara Chakra.

This sacred 7-Step Meditation is based upon...

A Secret of Life - "Universal Consciousness Creates This Universe"

This universe is manifold.

There are so many different things in this universe that we don't know about and can never know about. And every atom in this world is filled with Chiti - Universal Consciousnesseverything we know is Chiti.

A farmer sows different things in a field - chilies and sugarcane and lemon trees - and when he irrigates the field he has the same water feeding different plants.

When the water goes into the lemon tree, it takes on the quality of lemon and becomes sour, and when it goes into the chili, it becomes hot.

But even though it manifests in all these different forms, the soil is the same, the water is the same, the farmer is the same.

In the same way, Chiti - Universal Consciousness - is the same for all of us.

"What we sow is what we will reap."

And for us to sow what we truly desire, we must understand...

The Steps of Awakening

When we talk about awakening, we should not confuse awakening of the Kundalini with other forms of awakening.

Awakening of the Chakras is completely different from awakening of the Kundalini. Awakening of Sushumna is also quite a different event. And awakening of the Mooladhara Chakra is not awakening of the Kundalini.

Even if all the Chakras, from Mooladhara up to Ajna are awakened, this does not mean that the Kundalini is awakened.

In the systematic process of awakening the Kundalini, the first step is to purify Ida and Pingala Nadis and create harmony in their functioning.

Next, all of the Chakras have to be awakened.

Then Sushumna Nadi must be awakened, and when there is a clear pathway for its ascent, the Kundalini can be awakened.

If the first three steps have been completed, awakening of the Kundalini will only have positive effects. But if they have been neglected and the Kundalini awakens, there will definitely be some negative results.

25 Years of Experience – Paving The Path For Your Awakening

Over 25 years ago, Swami Dhiren made a decision that would change his life forever... to go to the Himalayas and spend his life becoming a yogi.

He was trained and initiated by one of Hinduism’s foremost spiritual leaders.

It was during this time that his mentor taught him the Chakra Kriya Framework which Swamiji saw as a life-changing technique for the western community.

After returning from the Himalayas he carefully crafted the Chakra Kriya Framework into what it is today, taking everything he learned over the duration of 25 years to create the most powerful tool in existence for manifesting one's dream life, overcoming subconscious beliefs and reaching their full potential.

By Learning The Chakra Kriya Kundalini Framework You Will...

  • Understand why the Kundalini Shakti is a pure, divine, and sacred feminine energy.
  • Prepare your body, mind, and spirit to awaken your Kundalini Shakti.
  • Discover how to burn your negative karma, move energy, discipline your physical body, purify your Nadis, and control the Prana.
  • Understand why awakening your Kundalini Shakti makes you healthier, more balanced, and fearless.
  • Unlock the secret to manifestation.
  • Experience the benefits of Mudras and breathing techniques.
  • Understand the science behind Kundalini —  including the connection with your parasympathetic nervous system, vagus nerve, and pineal gland.
  • Gain knowledge about the Chakra and its association with our major organs.
  • Discover how to breathe correctly to tap into Prana that is everywhere around you.
  • Find out how to align your inner energy with the energy of the universe and become more intuitive, fearless, courageous, and peaceful in this time of change and chaos.

But Don't Take Our Word For It, Here's What People Have To Say About The Framework...


"Session was good. Though I couldn’t talk. When I saw swamiji, and he could see me, I just closed my eyes and remain receiving. Initially I felt my crown chakra then heart then third eye and then it continue penetrating my throat chakra till the end."

Shelly Lynn

"I feel so much lighter, uplifted and relaxed!! I'm practicing now. Thank you for confirming that I was on the right path in working on my Chakras, and reprogramming my subconscious minds negative chatter with new positive programming. And finally, thank you for your patience with my technical difficulties."


"Thank you to Swami very much for the healing energy and excellent advice today. Please let me know how I can give something back for the gifts of your time and energy."

Jane Rees

"I enjoyed my session with Swami Dhiren and felt very supported and understood - he certainly has a great ability to read energy in people. Can I ask which country he is in? I have got alot from my two sessions, and thank him for giving his time so freely.  He gave me some advice I am heeding and has enabled me to focus on my own wellbeling in the middle of the current confusion in quarantine."


"Thank you so much for the kundalini retreat last night I learned so much and felt the benefits of all the lovely breathing and oxygenation of mind and body. "


"Thank you for the session yesterday. I truly enjoyed the session. The techniques you demonstrated were easy to follow and I will most certainly keep up the practice"

Introducing Your Chance To Learn The Chakra Kriya Kundalini Framework LIVE With Swami Dhiren...

We are excited to announce that due to high demand, we are bringing back our Chakra Kriya Kundalini Workshop.

In this specially curated live session, Swami Dhiren introduces a 7-Step Meditation to awaken one's Kundalini Shakti through the discipline of the physical body, purification of the nadis and control of the Prana.

This sacred 7-Step Meditation is based upon the notion of, "Universal Consciousness Creates This Universe."

Through the session, you'll embark on a journey within, taking a deep look at your current patterns and beliefs in a whole new way.

And you'll gain several empowering tools that you can use to instantly transform your inner programming, allowing you to permanently transform how you think, perform and show up in the world.

Listed below are important details to note about the live workshop...

3:00 PM EST

The Chakra Kriya Kundalini Workshop will be happening live at 3:00 pm EST and will require for you to commit undisturbed 180 minutes of our time towards your personal growth.

Live Zoom Meeting

Make sure to download the Zoom app on your device prior to the event to avoid technical difficulties because the wrokshop  will be occurring on the platform.

August 9th, 2020

The Chakra Kriya Kundalini Workshop will be happening live on Sunday August 9th, 2020, so make sure to mark your calendar.

Here's What You Can Expect To Learn From This Workshop...

1. Rules and Preparations
2. Posture
3. Chakra Sadhana Introduction
4. Practices for Ajna Chakra
5. Practices for Mooladhara Chakra
6. Practices for Swadhisthana Chakra
7. Practices for Manipura Chakra
8. Practices for Anahata Chakra
9. Practices for Vishuddhi Chakra
10. Practices for Bindu Visarga
11. Your Daily Sadhana Routine
12. Chakra Kriya Meditation Practices — The Hum Sah Breath and Mantra for Activating the Third Eye at the Agya Between the Anahata and the Sahasrara Chakras
13. Question and Answer Period
14. And Much Much More...

Click 'Register Now' To Save Your Seat




✔️ Special Spot Reserved in Workshop




✔️ Everything in 'Standard' PLUS...

✔️ Instructional PDF

✔️ 7 Day Replay




✔️ Everything in 'Gold' PLUS...

✔️ One Hour Private Coaching Session With Swami Dhiren


If You Want To Be CERTAIN That Enrolling In This Workshop Now Is a Good Idea, See What Others Have To Say...

"I had a great session. A felt a lot of healing energy inside me..I hope to book more sessions ...just allowing myself a 48 hour interval before the next session. I thank you for the  sessions and the good work you are doing for the humanity."

~ Rajesh

"He is a Spirit of a True Healer"

~ Karen

"Thank you for following up with me I can say that my thought processes appear to have shifted for the better I’ll wait 48 hours though to really evaluate but I’m feeling positive thank you again and happy new year to you."

~ Barb

"He was very kind and I felt his energy!!"

~ John


Two Step

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